Archive for October, 2022


| October 24th, 2022

Mon Oct 24 08:47:18 2022 (*4e3d9761*):: Holy shit check out this story. It reads like an alien abduction from the 1500 but angels instead of aliens. This guy was taught a whole alphabet by these “angels”. Looks similair to alien script. *** Enochian *** Enochian ( ə-NOH-kee-ən) is an occult constructed language — said by its originators to have been received from angels — recorded in the private journals of John Dee and his colleague Edward Kelley in late 16th-century England. Kelley was a scryer who worked with Dee in his magical investigations. The language is integral to the practice of Enochian magic. The language found in Dee’s and Kelley’s journals encompasses a limited textual corpus. Linguist Donald Laycock, an Australian Skeptic, studied the Enochian journals, and argues against any extraordinary features. The untranslated texts of the Liber Loagaeth manuscript recall the patterns of glossolalia rather than true language. Dee did not distinguish the Liber Loagaeth material from the translated language of the Calls, which is more like an artificial language. This language was called Angelical by Dee and later came to be referred to as ‘Enochian’ by subsequent writers. The phonology and grammar resemble English, though the translations are not sufficient to work out any regular morphology. Some Enochian words resemble words and proper names in the Bible, but most have no apparent etymology.Dee’s journals also refer to this language as “Celestial Speech”, “First Language of God-Christ”, “Holy Language”, or “Language of Angels”. He also referred to it as “Adamical” because, according to Dee’s angels, it was used by Adam in Paradise to name all things. The term “Enochian” comes from Dee’s assertion that the Biblical patriarch Enoch had been the last human (before Dee and Kelley) to know the language. (*4cfb807c*):: Yup Dr. John Dee is a fascinating rabbit hole (*4cfb807c*):: He had the largest known library of Elizabethan england at the time (*4cfb807c*):: His skryer had no ears, which at the time period, means he was a thief or a known busimess fraud who was punished w/ ears getting chopped off. His skryer suggested a reading said he should sleep w/ Dee’s hot younger wife, and Dee obliged him to no effect, according to journals (?) (*4cfb807c*):: The enochian alphabet as described, was created by the above mentioned Skryer who used a piece of special polished obsidian that Dee had acquired called the “show stone”, which is on display to this day in the Buckingham palace museum (or it was until at least the 00’s)
(*4cfb807c*):: Dee was also an advanced astrologer, and he was suit after in Elizabethan england and Europe for the accuracy of his readings in many affairs (*4cfb807c*):: Correction, the “shew stone” (*4cfb807c*):: *** John Dee’s spirit mirror | The British Library *** View ‘John Dee’s spirit mirror’, on the British Library’s website. *** The British Library (*9cb05920*):: +public!


| October 24th, 2022

Mon Oct 24 00:25:03 2022 (*4e3d9761*)::
(*3bd42332*):: +public!


| October 23rd, 2022

Sun Oct 23 16:45:12 2022 (*4e3d9761*):: Col. H.G. Shaw’s encounter with the three beings that tried to abduct him, as carried in the Stockton Evening Mail on November 27, 1896. (*4cfb807c*):: +public!
(*3bd42332*):: So, did this one come true? I do remember an uptick in ufo stuff in aug (*4e3d9761*):: (*4e3d9761*):: It’s actually really difficult to find a culture that HASN’T referenced UFOs.


| October 21st, 2022

Fri Oct 21 18:33:34 2022 (*4e3d9761*):: (*4cfb807c*):: Lol
(*3bd42332*):: (*4cfb807c*):: Great write up
(*6952cd93*):: +public!


| October 19th, 2022

Wed Oct 19 21:45:14 2022 (*4e3d9761*):: (*4cfb807c*):: Silencing of political opposition on US soil of american journalists +public!


| October 18th, 2022

Tue Oct 18 18:12:02 2022 (*4e3d9761*):: You guys should absolutely be reading through this guys twitter feed. So the first strain of ufo researcher and their research is largely un talked about today. Most of what we know about ufology is post 1970s generation of ufologists. He is going through old stuff and there is gold everywhere, just forgetten about. *** Richard Geldreich (@richgel999) / Twitter *** Co-founder of Binomial: open source GPU texture interchange. Previously: SpaceX (Starlink), Ensemble, Valve (P2/DotA2/CSGO/Linux). He/him. UAP OSINT/historian. *** Twitter
(*4e3d9761*):: The end result of the UFO cover up is that they couldn’t really keep the leaks from stopping. It has leaked left and right for like 70 years. What kept it ‘secret’ though, was the simple psychological trick of shaming people who brought it up. (*4e3d9761*):: He’s getting breaks in the bob lazar case left and right. He is proving Bob’s story. (*9cb05920*):: +public! Amazon Prime Documentary
(*4e3d9761*):: Thats supposed to be really good. (*9cb05920*):: Ya I’m gonna watch it tonight


| October 18th, 2022

Tue Oct 18 12:56:25 2022 (*3bd42332*):: (*3bd42332*):: +public!


| October 17th, 2022

Mon Oct 17 19:55:09 2022 (*4cfb807c*):: +public! *** Sword and Scale Episode 47 *** Subscribe To View This Post. *** SwordAndScale
(*4cfb807c*):: *** Ted Gunderson *** Theodore L. Gunderson (7 November 1928 – 31 July 2011) was a Federal Bureau of Investigation Special Agent In Charge and head of the Los Angeles FBI, an American author, and a conspiracy discoverer. Some of his FBI case work included the Death of Marilyn Monroe and the Assassination of John F. Kennedy. He was the author of the best-selling book How to Locate Anyone Anywhere Without Leaving Home. In later life, he promoted a number of conspiracy theories, notably including satanic ritual abuse.


| October 17th, 2022

Mon Oct 17 18:49:01 2022 (*4e3d9761*):: (*6952cd93*):: +public! (*4cfb807c*):: Nice


| October 15th, 2022

Sat Oct 15 02:18:40 2022 (*4e3d9761*):: (*6952cd93*):: +public!