Archive for July, 2023


| July 14th, 2023

Fri Jul 14 21:13:33 2023
*** Truthseeker on Twitter
*** :warning::bangbang:The AFRAM 2023 festival in Maryland saw visitors plagued with “deadly mosquitos” which were released from a helicopter which hovered overhead, online reports say:warning::bangbang:
*** Twitter
(*5d1a5cab*):: “I cant believe…”
You can’t? Really?


| July 14th, 2023

Fri Jul 14 20:30:35 2023
(*4cfb807c*):: Maybe we can set a direct line to there from here
(*b36962f9*):: Dude that would be sick
(*b36962f9*):: Ufo channel = npub


| July 14th, 2023

Fri Jul 14 20:10:37 2023
(*b36962f9*):: you need to be posting your ufo thoughts to nostr. The #ufo hashtag would benefit from your knowledge

(*4cfb807c*):: Re: effects of faggotry on society
(*4cfb807c*):: Maybe we can set a direct line to there from here


| July 14th, 2023

Fri Jul 14 19:51:11 2023
(*b36962f9*):: Before writing asset forfeiture I was thinking of eminent domain. But remembered eminent domain deals more with real property vs personal property rights
(*b36962f9*):: I’m ready for the gov to take control of this situation. They are dumb and prolly accidentally leak more info to us than the black budget guys do


| July 14th, 2023

Fri Jul 14 19:35:13 2023



| July 14th, 2023

Fri Jul 14 19:04:50 2023


(*b36962f9*):: Alien Asset Forfeiture
(*3bd42332*):: … alien ant farm…


| July 14th, 2023

Fri Jul 14 18:01:29 2023


(*4e3d9761*):: This is disclosure.


| July 14th, 2023

Fri Jul 14 17:21:48 2023
(*3bd42332*):: Bitcoin is a societal Ddos? :thinking_face:


| July 14th, 2023

Fri Jul 14 16:06:44 2023


| July 14th, 2023

Fri Jul 14 15:52:22 2023
