Author Archive
| June 27th, 2024Thu Jun 27 12:41:13 2024
*** R A W S A L E R T S (@rawsalerts) on X
*** :rotating_light:#BREAKING: Watch as a Brave Driver calls Police and Exposes Human Trafficking Operation Involving budget rental Truck Full of Kids
:pushpin:#Atlanta | #Georgia
Watch as a driver on the highway in Atlanta, Georgia, notices something odd after discovering a hand or some kind of body
*** X (formerly Twitter)
(*4297a328*):: +public! Georgia is a mess
| June 26th, 2024Wed Jun 26 16:25:32 2024
(*4e3d9761*):: Something pretty crazy has happened with weed sales in the hill country in the past six months. There are more dispensaries than maybe any other business out here. Theres 3 dispencaries within 10 miles of me. Tons of convience stores also double as a dispensary.
(*4e3d9761*):: BBQ places are selling weed sodas.
(*4e3d9761*):: If you didn’t know any better, you would think some law recently changed, but as far as I can tell, it hasn’t.
(*4e3d9761*):: It seems like someone made a decision to flood this place with THC analogues.
(*4e3d9761*):: Theres probably as many places to buy weed here at a retail store as some cities with full legalization.
(*54b3f3ac*):: Its the farm bull they passes years back. People are just saying its delta 9 if authority asks. No way to prove them wrong and they sure ain’t gonna send it to a lab to test. Law enforcement is already way under staffed and under funded. Also China has the weed market cornered and they don’t give a fuck about the laws really. I would not touch that shit. My buddy bot some at one in Kyle and I hit it once and got an instant headache. Crazy now we have to be careful of where our weed comes from.
(*f1a1cbef*):: +public!
| June 3rd, 2024Mon Jun 3 23:29:08 2024
(*4297a328*):: +public!
| June 2nd, 2024#flatcoiners
| May 30th, 2024#flatcoiners
| May 30th, 2024#flatcoiners
| May 21st, 2024Tue May 21 22:27:50 2024
(*097dfbf6*):: on the outset this sounds like insane rambling but actually it’s pretty rad
*** Prof. Brian Keating (@DrBrianKeating) on X
*** Big, if true! Can any chemists confirm? @leecronin?
*** X (formerly Twitter)
(*097dfbf6*):: +public!
| May 16th, 2024Thu May 16 22:39:46 2024
(*f1a1cbef*):: Directory: +public!