Author Archive


| January 12th, 2024

Fri Jan 12 02:49:45 2024
*** Pentagon Responds To Claims Taylor Swift Is ‘Front For Covert Political Agenda’
*** Black Mirror?
*** ZeroHedge

(*7f971682*):: “But that does highlight that we still need Congress to approve our supplemental budget request as Swift-ly as possible so we can be out of the woods with potential fiscal concerns,” she continued. +public!
(*4297a328*):: I liked it better when she was a psyop :angry_kanye:
*** Pentagon Responds To Claims Taylor Swift Is ‘Front For Covert Political Agenda’
*** Black Mirror?
*** ZeroHedge
(*7f971682*):: “But that does highlight that we still need Congress to approve our supplemental budget request as Swift-ly as possible so we can be out of the woods with potential fiscal concerns,” she continued. +public!

(*4297a328*):: I liked it better when she was a psyop :angry_kanye:
(*7f971682*):: But she is. If she wasn’t, they’d ignore it.
(*4297a328*):: Oh i know, but it was more fun pondering if
*** Pentagon Responds To Claims Taylor Swift Is ‘Front For Covert Political Agenda’
*** Black Mirror?
*** ZeroHedge

(*7f971682*):: “But that does highlight that we still need Congress to approve our supplemental budget request as Swift-ly as possible so we can be out of the woods with potential fiscal concerns,” she continued. +public!
(*4297a328*):: I liked it better when she was a psyop :angry_kanye:
(*7f971682*):: But she is. If she wasn’t, they’d ignore it.


| January 12th, 2024

Fri Jan 12 01:25:23 2024
*** Pentagon Responds To Claims Taylor Swift Is ‘Front For Covert Political Agenda’
*** Black Mirror?
*** ZeroHedge

(*7f971682*):: “But that does highlight that we still need Congress to approve our supplemental budget request as Swift-ly as possible so we can be out of the woods with potential fiscal concerns,” she continued. +public!


| January 10th, 2024

Wed Jan 10 01:59:08 2024
(*4e3d9761*):: jellyfish ufo video got rlsed
*** Mike Colangelo (@MikeColangelo) on X
*** The Jellyfish UFO Videos 🪼

Recorded in 2018 over Iraq. Allegedly this thing went into the water, stayed underwater for 17 minutes then came out of the water and shot off at a 45 degree angle.

TMZ Presents: UFO Revolution
Episode 1:

#ufoX #ufos #uap…
*** X (formerly Twitter)

*** Jeremy Kenyon Lockyer Corbell (@JeremyCorbell) on X
*** Today we release the RAW footage of a military filmed UAP incursion within a United States joint operations base. This UAP of unknown origin displayed transmedium capability – and has been officially designated by the United States intelligence agencies as a UAP (Unidentified…
*** X (formerly Twitter)

(*4297a328*):: That’s a tentacruel

(*4297a328*):: +public!


| January 10th, 2024

Wed Jan 10 01:50:47 2024
*** lord spaghetti :spaghetti::spaghetti: (@spaghettiboyx69) on X
*** The fact that the Jew tunnels were under Chabad world headquarters is being washed out of the public sphere.

Make sure you let everyone know that this is basically the center of world Jewry. Even bigger than what goes on in Israel.

These people sit with world leaders.
*** X (formerly Twitter)

(*4297a328*):: +public!
(*4cfb807c*):: #rat-bastards
(*4cfb807c*):: #rat-fucks
(*4297a328*):: #everysteinSinglebergTimeowitz


| January 9th, 2024

Tue Jan 9 13:27:16 2024
(*4297a328*):: It would seem not that insane
*** The Daily Sneed™ (@Tr00peRR) on X
*** more #tunnel footage
*** X (formerly Twitter)

(*4297a328*):: +public! This is creepy af


| January 6th, 2024

Sat Jan 6 13:38:55 2024
(*4297a328*):: Anti-christers are in full damage control mode +public!


| January 4th, 2024

Thu Jan 4 14:14:30 2024
(*4297a328*):: Jimmy kimmel mightcould get rekt +public!


| January 4th, 2024

Thu Jan 4 05:24:51 2024
(*4297a328*):: +public!

(*6952cd93*):: #flatcoiners


| January 4th, 2024

Thu Jan 4 04:50:02 2024
(*6952cd93*):: lol +public!

(*75de6f1e*):: What is the original source of this anyway? It was unsealed so it must be public record.. I’m big into original sources
(*7f971682*):: Original case withheld names. So these are court documents
(*75de6f1e*):: And the court documents aren’t redacted but say nothing outside of relative randos and Clinton likes em young… but comeon guys we could have guessed that. Jk
(*75de6f1e*):: Just catching up on the basis of it.. doesn’t really pop up in my news intake
(*4297a328*):: :nothing-burger:
(*6952cd93*):: where’s the beef??
(*75de6f1e*):: One thing about ppl like Clinton… is even if he was willing to do it morally (I have little doubt he wouldn’t)he’d also know enough to understand the leverage epstein and associates would have… it is one thing to fool around with women of age in an environment controlled by you… but no way he’d be naive enough to not have strong concerns of video/what have you.. although spooge on a dress. Haha. but that’d be a hard one to see coming
(*6952cd93*):: well the FBI have all the labeled dvds with the videos. That would be the beef but we’re never gonna see anything like that
(*75de6f1e*):: And this is known how?
(*75de6f1e*):: I mean.. not to be rude by I am exceptionally skeptical about this stuff.. too much conspiratorial type press claiming stuff.. have to drill down to sources..
*** Jeffrey Epstein kept trove of CDs and nude photos in $77m NY home
*** The FBI discovered ‘numerous black binders’ containing CDs which were clearly labelled with ‘thumbnail photos’ attached inside a closet at the 7-storey Manhattan residence.
*** Mail Online
(*75de6f1e*):: Ok.. seems likely something akin to child porn but everything else is pure speculation. I kinda think they’d go.after Clinton. Fbi guys would be disgusted and they’re going after Hunter for far less.. anyway I’m trying to be pilled here as far as what is actually known
(*75de6f1e*):: I guess fbi agents could be paid off or outright scared of highest level assasins
(*6952cd93*):: They’re probably gonna try to go after Trump indirectly with this because of Dershowitz even though Trump himself seems cleared. Already seeing libs screeching that Trump had Epstein killed.

(*6952cd93*):: I don’t have any faith in the FBI, I think top level is in on the gameplay here even if individual agents would be disgusted. I’ve met former FBI agents myself, they’re not all bad. But, look at all the right wing people getting SWATted recently. FBI doesn’t seem to care.
(*6952cd93*):: I think people are genuinely scared of going after the Clintons in any capacity. Everyone knows they might get suicided lol
(*75de6f1e*):: What is the original source of this anyway? It was unsealed so it must be public record.. I’m big into original sources
(*7f971682*):: Original case withheld names. So these are court documents
(*75de6f1e*):: And the court documents aren’t redacted but say nothing outside of relative randos and Clinton likes em young… but comeon guys we could have guessed that. Jk
(*75de6f1e*):: Just catching up on the basis of it.. doesn’t really pop up in my news intake
(*4297a328*):: :nothing-burger:
(*6952cd93*):: where’s the beef??
(*75de6f1e*):: One thing about ppl like Clinton… is even if he was willing to do it morally (I have little doubt he wouldn’t)he’d also know enough to understand the leverage epstein and associates would have… it is one thing to fool around with women of age in an environment controlled by you… but no way he’d be naive enough to not have strong concerns of video/what have you.. although spooge on a dress. Haha. but that’d be a hard one to see coming
(*6952cd93*):: well the FBI have all the labeled dvds with the videos. That would be the beef but we’re never gonna see anything like that
(*75de6f1e*):: And this is known how?
(*75de6f1e*):: I mean.. not to be rude by I am exceptionally skeptical about this stuff.. too much conspiratorial type press claiming stuff.. have to drill down to sources..
*** Jeffrey Epstein kept trove of CDs and nude photos in $77m NY home
*** The FBI discovered ‘numerous black binders’ containing CDs which were clearly labelled with ‘thumbnail photos’ attached inside a closet at the 7-storey Manhattan residence.
*** Mail Online
(*75de6f1e*):: Ok.. seems likely something akin to child porn but everything else is pure speculation. I kinda think they’d go.after Clinton. Fbi guys would be disgusted and they’re going after Hunter for far less.. anyway I’m trying to be pilled here as far as what is actually known
(*75de6f1e*):: I guess fbi agents could be paid off or outright scared of highest level assasins
(*6952cd93*):: They’re probably gonna try to go after Trump indirectly with this because of Dershowitz even though Trump himself seems cleared. Already seeing libs screeching that Trump had Epstein killed.

(*75de6f1e*):: What is the original source of this anyway? It was unsealed so it must be public record.. I’m big into original sources
(*7f971682*):: Original case withheld names. So these are court documents
(*75de6f1e*):: And the court documents aren’t redacted but say nothing outside of relative randos and Clinton likes em young… but comeon guys we could have guessed that. Jk
(*75de6f1e*):: Just catching up on the basis of it.. doesn’t really pop up in my news intake
(*4297a328*):: :nothing-burger:
(*6952cd93*):: where’s the beef??
(*75de6f1e*):: One thing about ppl like Clinton… is even if he was willing to do it morally (I have little doubt he wouldn’t)he’d also know enough to understand the leverage epstein and associates would have… it is one thing to fool around with women of age in an environment controlled by you… but no way he’d be naive enough to not have strong concerns of video/what have you.. although spooge on a dress. Haha. but that’d be a hard one to see coming
(*6952cd93*):: well the FBI have all the labeled dvds with the videos. That would be the beef but we’re never gonna see anything like that
(*75de6f1e*):: And this is known how?
(*75de6f1e*):: I mean.. not to be rude by I am exceptionally skeptical about this stuff.. too much conspiratorial type press claiming stuff.. have to drill down to sources..
*** Jeffrey Epstein kept trove of CDs and nude photos in $77m NY home
*** The FBI discovered ‘numerous black binders’ containing CDs which were clearly labelled with ‘thumbnail photos’ attached inside a closet at the 7-storey Manhattan residence.
*** Mail Online
(*75de6f1e*):: Ok.. seems likely something akin to child porn but everything else is pure speculation. I kinda think they’d go.after Clinton. Fbi guys would be disgusted and they’re going after Hunter for far less.. anyway I’m trying to be pilled here as far as what is actually known
(*75de6f1e*):: I guess fbi agents could be paid off or outright scared of highest level assasins
(*6952cd93*):: They’re probably gonna try to go after Trump indirectly with this because of Dershowitz even though Trump himself seems cleared. Already seeing libs screeching that Trump had Epstein killed.

(*6952cd93*):: I don’t have any faith in the FBI, I think top level is in on the gameplay here even if individual agents would be disgusted. I’ve met former FBI agents myself, they’re not all bad. But, look at all the right wing people getting SWATted recently. FBI doesn’t seem to care.
(*6952cd93*):: I think people are genuinely scared of going after the Clintons in any capacity. Everyone knows they might get suicided lol
(*4297a328*):: #conspiracy-lolz

(*6952cd93*):: lmao I saw that


| January 2nd, 2024

Tue Jan 2 21:31:59 2024
(*4cfb807c*):: “when you absolutely sick of saying it, the other side is only just starting to get it”
(*7f971682*):: +public!