Author Archive


| September 4th, 2023

Mon Sep 4 16:45:38 2023
*** Inversionism on X
*** This is the most horrifying 11 minutes of video on the internet and no one wants to talk about it. Neuroweapons, DEW, Smart dust, Nanotech.

It’s the one topic you can’t talk too much about or people think you’re a schizo or a bad faith actor, meanwhile you have lectures from…
*** X (formerly Twitter)


| August 16th, 2023

Wed Aug 16 21:31:53 2023
*** Tom Delonge’s UFO Timeline Part 1

*** YouTube


| August 16th, 2023

Wed Aug 16 20:35:39 2023
(*07ae591a*):: Do you guys remember seeing thousands of identical COVID tweets back in the lockdown era, all completely identical, byte-for-byte, being supportive of the regime’s narrative?
(*54b3f3ac*):: They do that with so many talking points. Have you seen the compilations where they put a shit ton of random news clips and they all say the same shit word for word
(*07ae591a*):: Thanks for brainwashing us, (((CORPORATE))) media
(*54b3f3ac*):: Well its only part their fault. The individual chooses to watch it. I havnt watch msm in years
(*07ae591a*):: I watched Fox somewhat regularly during the first half of the Trump administration.
(*54b3f3ac*):: It’s pretty much Is this chat for me. I’ve tuned out of 99% of all the news. It’s just so drainingAnd never positive
(*07ae591a*):: these days it’s basically ZeroHedge and CFP for me


| August 16th, 2023

Wed Aug 16 17:30:24 2023
*** Dec 9, 2020 – Report on Prof. Eshed, Ph.D. & Underground Mars Base and Chat Q&A.

*** YouTube

*** Dec 16, 2020 – Interview about Israel’s Prof. Haim Eshed’s Confirmation of Alien Intelligences

*** YouTube


| August 16th, 2023

Wed Aug 16 14:46:24 2023
*** David Grusch and State Sponsored Disinformation Campaign

*** YouTube


| August 16th, 2023

Wed Aug 16 14:19:36 2023


| August 16th, 2023

Wed Aug 16 13:51:14 2023


| August 15th, 2023

Tue Aug 15 22:57:50 2023
*** :thought_balloon: think tank on Twitter
*** “:eyes: ….


(#UFOTwitter #UFO #UFOs #UFOSightings #UAPTwitter #UAPs #UAP)”
*** Twitter


| August 15th, 2023

Tue Aug 15 22:08:06 2023
(*4cfb807c*):: If people en masse could be convinced by facts alone then we would already have peers on these subjects, alas they are not. Courtesy of taught emotional thinking/manipulation for over 100 years.


| August 15th, 2023

Tue Aug 15 21:15:40 2023
(*07ae591a*):: Their plane crashes after being unexpectedly tampered with during maintenance / pre-flight checks, their car veers into a telephone poll at high speed for no apparent reason, they shoot themselves twice in the back of the head with a rifle cartridge and the coroner knows it was a suicide because they left their 6-chamber revolver with 5 rounds left on the ground next to their body with their fingerprints on it
(*07ae591a*):: Do you think in 500 years, historians will look back on the consistency of events like random “plane crashes” and random “car accidents” of important people like that and consider those to be euphemisms rather than literal mechanisms of assassinations?
(*4e3d9761*):: Man it happens all the time. We probably cover one every three weeks in conspiracy facts. Conspiracy facts is full of facts that you might think you could just present the facts to someone and they would be forced to act but this is very much not the case.
(*4e3d9761*):: There’s no one to present this information to.
(*4e3d9761*):: You just have to slowly watch it roll out pizzagate style. Some stuff just falls between the cushions forever.
(*07ae591a*):: And then the fact that we now have like what, a third of the population that is more or less permanently accepting of regime narrative, even in spite of hard evidence of the regime’s fingerprints?