Author Archive


| July 28th, 2023

Fri Jul 28 13:47:50 2023
*** ‘I’ve never seen anything like this’: Illegal medical lab discovered in Reedley
*** REEDLEY, Calif. (KSEE/KGPE) – An investigation into a Reedley warehouse uncovered a large-scale illegal medical lab complete with bioengineered mice, infectious agents, nearly 30 refrigerator…
(*4cfb807c*):: +public!


*** ‘I’ve never seen anything like this’: Illegal medical lab discovered in Reedley
*** REEDLEY, Calif. (KSEE/KGPE) – An investigation into a Reedley warehouse uncovered a large-scale illegal medical lab complete with bioengineered mice, infectious agents, nearly 30 refrigerator…
(*4cfb807c*):: +public!


| July 27th, 2023

Thu Jul 27 02:48:50 2023

(*4cfb807c*):: +public!


| July 26th, 2023

Wed Jul 26 18:55:36 2023
(*4e3d9761*):: US recovered non-human biological pilots from crashed crafts, UFO whistleblower says in hearing.
(*4cfb807c*):: +public!

(*4e3d9761*):: Very astute observers will notice that Grusch was asked if any adversaries have been reverse engineering or engaging in technology transfer (!!!!!!!!!!) with non-human intelligence. Grusch responded that ‘he doesn’t know that specific answer the way the question was worded’. As to say ‘Adverseries, I dont know. US government is a different story’
(*4cfb807c*):: So in short, yes its been a dirty slut fest of technology transfer w/ lots of adversies possessing these capabilities as well. It is semi-distributed to a mixed crowd of backroom hustlers that also like to consume human infant meat, attend children’s orgies and worship Moloch or Baal. The #1 concern will be Israeli capabilities, because they will use it only for evil. Maybe we can expel them from the planet once and for all with this technology. Maybe send them into the sun. Just thinking out loud. It should be considered tantamount that a US Citizen w/ the freedom to possess a rifle, should also be freedom to construct, build, possess, and otherwise pilot homebrew UAP, consumer UAP, retail UAP and otherwise any part or process therein. Participation in these industries must go populist.


| July 26th, 2023

Wed Jul 26 16:16:03 2023
(*b36962f9*):: I’ve been impressed with the questions thus far
(*b36962f9*):: Too bad they didn’t reserve the scif
(*b36962f9*):: +public!


| July 25th, 2023

Tue Jul 25 02:18:40 2023
*** Obamas’ personal chef drowns near their Martha’s Vineyard home
*** Tafari Campbell, known as one of the chefs who brewed White House beer while Obama was in office, went to work for the former first couple when they left the White House.
*** Chicago Sun-Times
(*4cfb807c*):: +public!


| July 22nd, 2023

Sat Jul 22 04:17:10 2023
*** FTX lobbyist tried to buy Pacific island of Nauru to create a new superspecies, lawsuit says
*** Gabe Bankman-Fried, the younger brother of FTX’s founder, tried to buy the island nation of Nauru to build a shelter to create a superhuman species in a lab.
*** CNBC
(*4297a328*):: +public!
(*5d1a5cab*):: Lol wowza!


| July 22nd, 2023

Sat Jul 22 03:05:51 2023
*** FTX lobbyist tried to buy Pacific island of Nauru to create a new superspecies, lawsuit says
*** Gabe Bankman-Fried, the younger brother of FTX’s founder, tried to buy the island nation of Nauru to build a shelter to create a superhuman species in a lab.
*** CNBC
(*4297a328*):: +public!


| July 19th, 2023

Wed Jul 19 21:51:18 2023
*** Russia Claims State Dept. and Atlantic Council Censor Info on US Biolabs Run by Bill Gates and Hunter Biden-linked Metabiota | The Gateway Pundit | by Richard Abelson | 123
*** The U.S.
*** The Gateway Pundit
(*4cfb807c*):: +public!


| July 19th, 2023

Wed Jul 19 03:52:34 2023
*** Concerned Citizen on Twitter
*** Buzz Aldrin just couldn’t bring himself to lie to an 8year girl, then continues to go overboard with the truth.
*** Twitter

(*6952cd93*):: ^ I feel bad for the guy
(*6952cd93*):: +public!


| July 17th, 2023

Mon Jul 17 04:04:17 2023
(*4e3d9761*):: ^^ thats crazy