Author Archive


| August 16th, 2023

Wed Aug 16 14:46:24 2023
*** David Grusch and State Sponsored Disinformation Campaign

*** YouTube


| August 16th, 2023

Wed Aug 16 14:19:36 2023


| August 16th, 2023

Wed Aug 16 13:51:14 2023


| August 15th, 2023

Tue Aug 15 22:57:50 2023
*** :thought_balloon: think tank on Twitter
*** “:eyes: ….


(#UFOTwitter #UFO #UFOs #UFOSightings #UAPTwitter #UAPs #UAP)”
*** Twitter


| August 15th, 2023

Tue Aug 15 22:08:06 2023
(*4cfb807c*):: If people en masse could be convinced by facts alone then we would already have peers on these subjects, alas they are not. Courtesy of taught emotional thinking/manipulation for over 100 years.


| August 15th, 2023

Tue Aug 15 21:15:40 2023
(*07ae591a*):: Their plane crashes after being unexpectedly tampered with during maintenance / pre-flight checks, their car veers into a telephone poll at high speed for no apparent reason, they shoot themselves twice in the back of the head with a rifle cartridge and the coroner knows it was a suicide because they left their 6-chamber revolver with 5 rounds left on the ground next to their body with their fingerprints on it
(*07ae591a*):: Do you think in 500 years, historians will look back on the consistency of events like random “plane crashes” and random “car accidents” of important people like that and consider those to be euphemisms rather than literal mechanisms of assassinations?
(*4e3d9761*):: Man it happens all the time. We probably cover one every three weeks in conspiracy facts. Conspiracy facts is full of facts that you might think you could just present the facts to someone and they would be forced to act but this is very much not the case.
(*4e3d9761*):: There’s no one to present this information to.
(*4e3d9761*):: You just have to slowly watch it roll out pizzagate style. Some stuff just falls between the cushions forever.
(*07ae591a*):: And then the fact that we now have like what, a third of the population that is more or less permanently accepting of regime narrative, even in spite of hard evidence of the regime’s fingerprints?


| August 15th, 2023

Tue Aug 15 20:20:52 2023
(*4e3d9761*)::[…]ies-tractor-trailer-hit-bike.html?ito=amp_twitter_share-top this happens so often. ‘Went for a bike ride/job gets hit by car’
*** Ex-Air Force sergeant who said he saw alien base on moon dies in crash
*** Karl R. Wolfe was killed in the crash on October 10 in Lansing, New York, after he was struck from behind by a tractor trailer traveling southbound on North Triphammer Road near Sharon Drive. He was 74.
*** Mail Online


| August 15th, 2023

Tue Aug 15 17:51:32 2023


| August 15th, 2023

Tue Aug 15 00:43:42 2023
(*b36962f9*):: The current Maui Police Chief was in the Las Vegas Police Department in 2017 and was the INCIDENT COMMANDER during the LAS VEGAS SHOOTINGS

His deputy was also in LV.

“In 2017, Pelletier notably served as the incident commander for the One October mass casualty event in Las Vegas. His Deputy Chief selection, Hank, was also part of the command for the incident and provided after-action presentations across the country on preventing, responding to, and mitigating similar active shooter events”
(*b36962f9*):: +public!
*** TaraBull on Twitter
*** Anyone recognize this man? Maui Police Chief John Pelletier was also incident commander for the 2017 Las Vegas shooting.

They’ll tell you this is just a coincidence.
*** Twitter
(*54b3f3ac*):: that boi look like a thug

(*54b3f3ac*):: that boi looks like a thug

(*b36962f9*):: You know the sheriff became NV governor


| August 14th, 2023

Mon Aug 14 23:19:39 2023
(*b36962f9*):: Wildfires can melt cars?
(*54b3f3ac*):: ya to be fair ive seen melted cars at the impound auctions. and that was just one that caught on fire
(*b36962f9*):: Forest Fire as a Military Weapon – 1970 report commissioned by the DoD – ARPA – US Dept of Agriculture Forest Service. +public!
*** AD0509724.pdf
*** UNCLASSIFIED AD NUMBER AD509724. CLASSIFICATION CHANGES TO: FROM:. UNCLASSIFIED SECRET. LIMITATION CHANGES TO: Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited. FROM: Distribution authorized to U.S. Gov’t. agencies and their contractors; Administrative/Operational Use; JUN 1970. Other requests …
(*54b3f3ac*):: man this is prety wild. skimming thru it now.
(*54b3f3ac*):: ”The increased burning rate
causes more rapid air entrainment
with a consequent further
increase in wind speed, which increases burning rate still further
which increases etc., etc. until all available fuel has been burned.

Wind velocities exceeding 100 miles per hour are often attained during peak firestorm development.”

thats wild it just compounds the shit outta itself until there nothing

(*b36962f9*):: The Maui folks talked about hot strong winds. From what I gather, that’s the common occurrence with DEWs
(*54b3f3ac*):: would be interesting to see if there are records of any recent arborist activity

Cool 7min infowars video
*** INFOWARS USA on Twitter
*** “:rotating_light: D.E.W.s = Directed-Energy Weapons
Beam Of Light Aimed At West Coast Fires As Pentagon Warns That China Has Weaponized Space

YouTuber DUTCHSINSE captures what appears to be Directed Energy Weapons on satellite imagery

:rotating_light:Sep 21, 2020 Greg Reese

2020 Report… Now Maui Fires…”
*** Twitter
(*54b3f3ac*):: ya ive seen some videos claiming they saw this there. that would be insane but i wouldnt be surprised

(*54b3f3ac*):: man dutchsinse. havnt heard that in a while
(*b36962f9*):: The current Maui Police Chief was in the Las Vegas Police Department in 2017 and was the INCIDENT COMMANDER during the LAS VEGAS SHOOTINGS

His deputy was also in LV.

“In 2017, Pelletier notably served as the incident commander for the One October mass casualty event in Las Vegas. His Deputy Chief selection, Hank, was also part of the command for the incident and provided after-action presentations across the country on preventing, responding to, and mitigating similar active shooter events”
(*b36962f9*):: +public!
*** TaraBull on Twitter
*** Anyone recognize this man? Maui Police Chief John Pelletier was also incident commander for the 2017 Las Vegas shooting.

They’ll tell you this is just a coincidence.
*** Twitter
(*54b3f3ac*):: that boi look like a thug

(*54b3f3ac*):: that boi looks like a thug

(*54b3f3ac*):: i mean he could be cast in any cop movie where he is the corrupted one