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| July 13th, 2023#ufos
| July 13th, 2023
Thu Jul 13 18:10:36 2023
(*4cfb807c*):: And of course … The 1.6 GHz range
(*4cfb807c*):: Which on smaller/cheaper scale can be measured for by listening posts at at least a .5 mile incremement of grids
(*4cfb807c*):: I can see doing check board patterns thru big open areas and watching alerts on detection, w/ maybe some sentry drones getting sweeping footage
(*4cfb807c*):: Re: skinwalker, those guys have proven you can get a few minutes of functioning electronics before malicious signals intervention
(*4cfb807c*):: Detection w/ offsite cloud infrastructure for collection seems like a plausible model
(*4cfb807c*):: Then … Classification … Eventually maybe further regression
| July 13th, 2023
Thu Jul 13 15:40:37 2023
*** Future Strategic Issues/Future Warfare, circa 2025 : Dennis M. Bushnell NASA Langley Research Center : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive
*** War and planetary take-over by the deep-state/military industrial/AI/transhumanist bots, borgs and humans, projected by 2025 and being implemented now on the…
*** Internet Archive
| July 13th, 2023
Thu Jul 13 15:14:40 2023
(*4e3d9761*):: He even entertains and idea that a nuclear sub could go under the ice to power the trasmitter part —- this kind of thinking is new to Chris who used to regard people like greer (and his ideas) with this social scorn. (lehto is kinda a reddity-bitch)
(*4e3d9761*):: The interviewee from 2004 is interesting to listen to because he got basically everything right. Its funny cause when you start down the rabbithole, you are desperate for truth, but there are some interviewees that say nothing but truth (as best they can) the entire time all in one spot. All you had to do was listen to one of them.
(*4cfb807c*):: Its weird how that works lol, I catch myself thinking this on other topics too; its like re-learning sincerity and authenticity as a modern skill
(*4cfb807c*):: Neutrino detectors are traditionally very big and place up to 60 meters underground:
*** Neutrino detector
*** A neutrino detector is a physics apparatus which is designed to study neutrinos. Because neutrinos only weakly interact with other particles of matter, neutrino detectors must be very large to detect a significant number of neutrinos. Neutrino detectors are often built underground, to isolate the detector from cosmic rays and other background radiation. The field of neutrino astronomy is still very much in its infancy – the only confirmed extraterrestrial sources as of 2018 are the Sun and the supernova 1987A in the nearby Large Magellanic Cloud. Another likely source (three standard deviations) is the blazar TXS 0506+056 about 3.7 billion light years away. Neutrino observatories will “give astronomers fresh eyes with which to study the universe”.Various detection methods have been used. Super Kamiokande is a large volume of water surrounded by phototubes that watch for the Cherenkov radiation emitted when an incoming neutrino creates an electron or muon in the water. The Sudbury Neutrino Observatory is similar, but uses heavy water as the detecting medium. Other detectors have consisted of large volumes of chlorine or gallium which are periodically checked for excesses of argon or germanium, respectively, which are created by neutrinos interacting with the original substance. MINOS used a solid plastic scintillator watched by phototubes; Borexino uses a liquid pseudocumene scintillator also watched by phototubes; and the NOνA detector uses a liquid scintillator watched by avalanche photodiodes.
The proposed acoustic detection of neutrinos via the thermoacoustic effect is the subject of dedicated studies done by the ANTARES, IceCube, and KM3NeT collaborations.
(*4cfb807c*):: ^ if neutrino detection does the trick, then a collaboration with many sites could feasibly create a real-time Viz of uap traffic and flight patterns filtering for other background neutrinos (known nuclear reactors/subs)
(*3bd42332*):: Almost makes me want to make a channel about DUMBs but i dont have the time 🙁
| July 13th, 2023
Thu Jul 13 14:51:26 2023
(*4e3d9761*):: btw Chris Lehto is branching out of his ‘only approved narratives will be considered’ a bit. He did a show recently on one of scott greers whistleblowers, the nuetrino detector one.
(*4e3d9761*):: Lehto says the nuetrino detector alone would be able to detect UAP. In the press conference some of the nerdy scientists got real coy and had big smiles when asked about ‘sources’ and said ‘they will be back with more and to stay tuned’.
*** IceCube Observatory a “multifaceted directed energy platform”
*** YouTube
(*4e3d9761*):: He even entertains and idea that a nuclear sub could go under the ice to power the trasmitter part —- this kind of thinking is new to Chris who used to regard people like greer (and his ideas) with this social scorn.
(*4e3d9761*):: He concludes that the detector is perfectly placed for testing a new comms system with submarines, as it rights by an ELF station (sub comms). You could test a message with the new comms system with the old comms system.
(*4e3d9761*):: So, apparently these nuetrinos fly straight through the earth and would allow you to triangulate all nuclear reactors on earth (including subs).
(*4e3d9761*):: Also, linda presented the reddit genetics leaker last night. It looks perfectly real. She played an interview from 2004 saying a lot of the same things.
(*4e3d9761*):: It was a fun episode, worth watching.
*** July 12 – How many Exo-Biospheric-Organisms are stored at Wright-Patterson AFB?
*** YouTube
(*4e3d9761*):: The interviewee from 2004 is interesting to listen to because he got basically everything right. Its funny cause when you start down the rabbithole, you are desperate for truth, but there are some interviewees that say nothing but truth (as best they can) the entire time all in one spot. All you had to do was listen to one of them.
| July 12th, 2023Wed Jul 12 03:02:00 2023
*** Tim Burchett
*** Timothy Floyd Burchett (born August 25, 1964) is an American politician who is the U.S. representative for Tennessee’s 2nd congressional district, based in Knoxville, serving since 2019.
A Republican, Burchett was formerly mayor of Knox County, Tennessee. He served in the Tennessee General Assembly, first in the Tennessee House of Representatives, in which he represented Tennessee’s 18th district. He later served in the Tennessee State Senate, representing the 7th district, part of Knox County.
(*6952cd93*):: +public!
| July 11th, 2023Tue Jul 11 17:55:29 2023
(*4cfb807c*):: If we wanted to be scaling, we could be scaling
(*4cfb807c*):: I’ve very curious about synthetic materials science in the coming 10 years
(*4e3d9761*):: After looking at the steel production numbers in China you have to wonder what joker the US has tried to put up its sleeve. I think it relates to Biowarfare. Because when you look at steel production numbers, all you can think is ‘its over.’.
(*6952cd93*):: +public!
(*4cfb807c*):: Certain kinds of things are about to become trivially cheaper to produce; competitive to steel production at more medium scale
(*4cfb807c*):: If we want to be designing and building things that compete with Raytheon, Lockheed it is possible to do increasingly, especially the R&D; pick any problem set and a production and manufacturing pipeline is ubiquitous, and it can stay homegrown; innovation can arrive and cut cost at any time, quantum is the next best example besides materials science; and now enter UAP technology?
| July 7th, 2023#conspiracy-facts
| June 30th, 2023Fri Jun 30 18:05:15 2023
*** Precise characterization of a corridor-shaped structure in Khufu’s Pyramid by observation of cosmic-ray muons
*** Nature Communications – Khufu’s Pyramid is one of the largest archaeological monuments in the world, and still contains unexplored voids. Here, the authors use cosmic-ray muon radiography in…
*** Nature
(*4cfb807c*):: +public!
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*** Philadelphia Shooting: COPS SPRAYING FAKE BLOOD ON EACHOTHER??? :thinking_face: @MegnaAve
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